Rotary International Virtual Convetion

This year, for the first time, the Rotary International convention is online and free! Rotaract members, friends and family can register and join the General Sessions and Breakout sessions to be inspired, connect with others and to open our minds to new ideas.   Last night (Australia time), General Session 1- Together we Connect, was […]

National Rotaract Club Officer Training

Registrations are now open for 2020-2021 National Rotaract Training. Due to CoVID-19 restriction District Rotaract Representatives from around the country, along with Rotaract Australia, are hosting online training for all incoming board and Rotaract members ahead of the new year. Tune in from the comfort of your own home to get the best of the […]

Congratulations to the 2020-2021 Executive Board!

A huge congratulations to the newly elected 2020-21 Rotaract Australia executive board! With a few new faces joining the team we are VERY excited about empowering Rotaractor’s with positive and encouraging messages of hope, community, togetherness and change. The theme for Rotary International in this coming year is “Rotary Opens Opportunities” and the incoming team have […]

RA Executive Nominations Now Open!

Board nominations for the 2020-2021 Rotaract Australia executive are now open! Nominate now at . Nominations close April 30th at midnight AWST. Our vision (with chair Sam at the helm) for 2020-2021+ is to improve the Rotaract experience for members. The core Rotaract experience is delivered at club level which is where we want to start. […]