Rotaract Australia Executive Board
Nominations are currently OPEN for positions on the Rotaract Australia Executive. For more information: Join the Executive
Rotaract Australia Non-Executive Volunteers
To ensure Rotaract Australia can support the needs of our members since July 2021 we have created a Non-Executive team made up of key Rotaractors who have skills and a desire to support Rotaractors on a national scale.
These roles are designed to include non-executive directors and subject-matter experts. The exact roles will be determined by the entire team, following the first round of applications and appointments.
Specialists roles could include but are not limited to:
Governance Director, Legal Advisor, Webmaster, G-Suite Manager, IT Director, Training and Development Director, Training Support Officer, Resource Analyst, Social Media Manager, National Project Manager, Fundraising Officer, Podcast Manager, Communications Officer, Graphic Designer, Membership Director, Liason Officer to ARC & APRRC, ARC Chair, APRRC Chair, Administrative Support Officer.
Are you keen?
Applications are being taken from today via Google Form