We are so excited to invite you to the 2021 Virtual Australian Rotaract Conference and National Training weekend! We have chosen these two keynote speakers to #ChallengeYourThinking.
Our first keynote speaker for ARC 2021 is Dr Tyson Yunkaporta, presenting “Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save The World”.
Dr Tyson Yunkaporta is an academic, an arts critic, and a researcher who belongs to the Apalech Clan in far north Queensland. He carves traditional tools and weapons and also works as a senior lecturer in Indigenous Knowledges at Deakin University in Melbourne.

Our second keynote speaker for ARC 2021 is Jo Parker, on “Leading From Within”.
Johanna Parker is an award-winning Australian-based, heart-fuelled and connection-led life, confidence and public speaking coach, international speaker and space holder, personal leadership maven, fear-dismantler, coach trainer, educator, strategist, communication expert and the founder of Heart Sparks (www.heartsparks.com.au), where, through a unique combination of heart, strategy and healing, she passionately supports both adults and adolescents worldwide to master their mindset, ignite their voice and build sustainable, purposeful lives with an unwavering sense of self-worth and pride. She is also the Co-Director of RYLA in Rotary International District 9780.

Tickets and full conference program available now at conference.rotaract.org.au .