A huge congratulations to newly elected Rotaract Australia 2020-2021 Secretary Madi Biggelaar and IT Director Braydan Willrath. We are so excited you are coming to join the team!

Madi and Braydan complete an exciting line up of incoming Rotaract Australia leaders who are keen to empower Rotaractor’s with positivity and messages of hope, community, togetherness and change in the new year!

Chair- Samantha Fewster (WA)
Vice Chair – Holly Corbett (TAS)
Treasurer – Clare Lawlor (NSW)
Secretary – Madi Biggelaar (TAS)
Communications – Laura Telford (NSW/SA)
Governance – Ben Hill (VIC)
IT- Braydan Willrath (VIC)
IP Chair- Ada Gain (QLD)


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