Nominations are open from 7 February 2024 to 6 March 2024.
The following position description has been developed to best capture the expectations of the role for the next year, but further changes from the Zone 8 Regionalisation Pilot may arise during the term, with the exact scope and responsibilities still being determined. We are looking for candidates who are excited by the opportunity to be flexible and creative during this period.
- Must be a member in good standing of a Chartered Rotaract Club within a Member District of Rotaract Australia.
- Should have served a full term as District Rotaract Representative, however, in the event that no PDRRs are nominated, any Rotaractor of good standing within a Member District is eligible to stand for election to the Executive; but only if no PDRRs are nominated for election.
- In the absence of a qualified past DRR, the Council may authorise a suitably competent Past Officer of a Rotaract Club to be eligible for election.
Duties as per the Rotaract Australia Constitution
The Treasurer is responsible for the Organisation’s Financial Accounts. This includes; maintaining and monitoring the Organisation’s accounts, the reporting on the account status, all correspondence with the bank, administration of membership fees/subscriptions and any other revenue paid to RA, and arranging payments or reimbursement for purchases and expenses made on the behalf of RA.
Responsibilities as per the Rotaract Australia Bylaws
The officers of the Executive shall remain in office from July 1 to June 30 or until their successors have taken office, unless the officer has been removed, in which case the office shall remain vacant until the office is filled. The Treasurer shall abide by and ensure the Treasury Procedures are followed, as per Article 8 of the Bylaws.
General Expectations
- Support the implementation of all Rotaract Australia strategies and activities.
- Maintain and monitor bank accounts
- Liaise with bank
- Administration of fees/revenue
- Write financial report for the AGM and otherwise as needed
- Arranging payments or reimbursement
- Arranging deposits or payments as needed for RA events
- Invoice districts for training
- Invoice clubs/districts for website hosting
- Ensure the previous treasurer has fulfilled their obligations, if not amend as required.
- Information Executive of any issues promptly and engage the Executive for support if required to ensure the organisation meets its requirement