We’re pleased to announce a new free tool for Rotaract Clubs part of the Australian MDIO!
You spoke, we listened… clubs waiting for this, we’re so excited to announce it’s finally here!

Branded Club Emails are a great way to increase our professionalism and provide consistency to the people and organisations communicating with Rotaract Clubs in Australia. These emails will be hosted on the G Suite Premium for Non-Profits platform; giving clubs access to premium features as well as increased storage space and extra productivity functions over regular Gmail accounts.
This opens us to a world of new opportunities:
• a national calendar of events from clubs across Australia and Timor-Leste,
• simpler inter-club communications,
• easier updates to clubs from Rotaract Australia (not all club emails are on our records),
• less stress with our IT Team getting you back into a locked-out account, and
• using the G Suite Login to access and instantly update your club’s listing on our national Club Directory (coming soon)

Your District Rotaract Representative will be providing your club’s login details on or after Wednesday the 24th of January 2018.
It’s completely up to your club if you’d like to implement it. If you’re an existing club, we can also provide a free migration service if your club has a Gmail, Outlook.com or Yahoo email account. We can also forward/integrate all emails from your old account to your new, to ensure you only need one login to manage anyone contacting your club with the old email. A link to request email migration will be passed on by your DRR when they provide your login details.

Once you have access, you can then create a Club Events Calendar, add events to it and make it public. We then aim to have them all appear on the Club Events Calendar page of our website in the next month. If clubs have a TidyHQ account, events can be synchronised to G Suite to avoid double handling. District Events can also be displayed in your DRR’s Calendar, with their new district G Suite Emails, e.g. 9820@rotaract.org.au.

We hope you’ve had a great start to the year! If you have any questions about this, talk to your local DRR or email it@rotaract.org.au ?