National Rotaract Training 2020
In 2020, District Rotaract Representatives (DRRs) from all over Australia joined together to host a national training event. This event was held online and recorded so that resources could be provided to even more Rotaractors.
You can explore the recordings and resources below.

Your Character Strengths
Learn your personal strengths and how they can be used to propel you forward in Rotaract
Complete free VIA Character Strengths Survey
SWOT Reflection and Visioning
A strong SWOT analysis can be the basis for your year as a Rotaract Leader, learn how to harness your analysis effectively!
Rotary International Strategic Planning Guide
Governance and RI Resources
It sounds boring but it keeps your club on track and compliant. Come along and hear from RI's Andrew Best as he talks about all things insurance, constitution updates, bylaw changes and #elevaterotaract
Rotaract Standard Constitution
Recommended Club Bylaws
Rotary Learning Centre
Rotary Brand Centre
What is Rotaract Australia
Rotaract Australia is the peak body for all things Rotaract in Australia. Your one stop shop for advice and information Rotaract Australia aims to empower and connect Rotaractors across the country and globe.
Rotaract Q&A Session
All you have ever wanted to know about Rotaract, Rotary and more is this session. Listen to burning questions and ask your own
Club Culture
A club is its members but having a great club culture makes members come back meeting after meeting. This session is all about creating and maintaining a great club vibe.
A Balanced and Sustainable Life
Are you stressed at the prospect of balancing work, study, work, life and Rotaract? Come along and see if Ada can find some strategies to maintaining that work, life, Rotaract balance