Acronyms / Abbreviations
Meaning | |
RI | Rotary International |
RDU | Rotary Down Under |
RA | Rotaract Australia |
RC | Rotary Club |
RAC | Rotaract Club |
TRF | The Rotary Foundation |
TWF | The World Fund |
WCS | World Community Service |
YARN | Young Aboriginal Rotary Network |
YEP | Youth Exchange Program |
ARC | Australian Rotaract Conference |
ARG | Australian Rotaract Games |
P | Current President for this Rotary/Rotaract Year |
PE | President Elect. They will become President at the start of the next Rotary Year and succeed the current President. |
PN | President Nominee They will become President Elect at the start of the next Rotary Year and then President for the following year. |
PP | A Past President |
DRR | Current District Rotaract Representative for this Rotary/Rotaract Year |
DRRE | District Rotaract Representative Elect. They will become DRR at the start of the next Rotary Year and succeed the current DRR. |
PDRR | A Past District Rotaract Representative |
DG | Current District Governor for this Rotary/Rotaract Year |
DGE | District Governor Elect. They will become DG at the start of the next Rotary Year and succeed the current DG. |
DGN | District Governor Nominee. They will become DGE at the start of the next Rotary Year and then DG in the year following DGE. |
PDG | A Past District Governor |
AG | Assistant Governor |
RID | Rotary International Director |
PRID | Past Rotary International Director |
RIP | Rotary International President |
PRIP | Past Rotary International President |
D#### | District (Followed by four numbers) e.g. D9820 is District 9820 |
RYLA | Rotary Youth Leadership Award |
RYPEN | Rotary Youth Program of ENrichment |
NYSF | National Youth Science Forum |
RYE | Rotary Youth Exchange |
RYDA | Roadsafe Youth Driver Awareness |
MUNA | Model United Nations Assembly |
MDIO | Multi District Information Organisation |
PETS | President Elect Training Seminar |
COTS | Club Officer Training Seminar |
RLI | Rotary Leadership Institute |
ARH | Australian Rotary Health |
RAM | Rotarians Against Malaria |
RAWCS | Rotary Australia World Community Service |
DAA | Disaster Aid Australia |
RAOAF | Rotary Australia Overseas Aid Fund |
RFE | Rotary Friendship Exchange |
RIPPR | Rotary International President's Personal Representative |
RISPPO | Rotary International South Pacific & Philippines Office |
ROMAC | Rotary Oceanic Medical Aid for Children |
ROTEX | Rotary Exchange returned students |
Rtn. | Rotarian (Rotary Member) |
Rtr. | Rotaractor (Rotaract Member) |
DIK | Donations in Kind |
GSE | Group Study Exchange |
MOP | Manual of Procedure |
PHF | Paul Harris Fellow |
PHS | Paul Harris Society |
AGM | Annual General Meeting |
LOA | Leave of Absence |
NGO | Non-Government Organisation |
ANZO | Australia, New Zealand & Oceania (Our Rotary Region) |
RGBI | Rotary in Great Britain & Ireland |
Common Terms
Rotaract: Young people 18 – 30ish, helping locally & globally, growing themselves & having fun!
Rotary: 18+ problem-solvers share ideas, join leaders & take action to create lasting change!
Interact: A program for 12–18 year old’s to help make a difference and join the Rotary Family.
Rotary Family: Rotary International’s Rotary, Rotaract, Interact Clubs and Members, as well as the participants of its programs (e.g. Rotary Youth Leadership Awardees, Rotary Youth Exchange Students).
Rotary Theme: The encouraging message and goal chosen by the current RI President to be an overarching focus for the Rotary Family. Official slogans adopted annually by RI President - A theme that changes yearly to reflect the philosophy and programmes for the year Principal motto that remains constant is "Service Above Self" since 1989
Rotary / Rotaract Year: From July 1 to June 30, the same as a fiscal (financial) year here in Australia.
Club: A group of members, recognised by RI: can be Rotary, Rotaract or Interact.
Cluster: A group of clubs in a similar geographic area, usually led by an Assistant Governor.
District: A group of clusters in a region, usually holding about 60 clubs, approx. 1100 members, led by a District Governor.
Rotary Foundation: The Charity of Rotary, gives grants and manages causes like End Polio.
District Conference: Held annually in each District to further the programmes of Rotary through fellowship, inspiring speakers and recognition of club activities etc.
Provisional Club: A group currently in the formation stage of a new club. They meet until chartered and then admitted to membership of Rotary International once meeting their minimum membership requirements. Rotary International recommend 15 members to charter, although this is not required.
Sister Club Relationship: An agreement between clubs in other Countries/districts - To foster better understanding and fellowship exchange and mutual support and co-operation on humanitarian projects.
Charter Member: The registered members at the time of Charter being issued by Rotary International. The original members of a newly chartered club can be sometimes be identified with a special lapel badge.
Honorary Member: Recognition of a past member or someone not a member of Rotary - Persons who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service in the furtherance of Rotary ideals.
Club and District Changeovers: A mainly formal event held annually just prior to a new Rotary year and includes partners - Formal changeover to new President and team of incoming Officers/Directors and provides a review of past year achievements and activities.
Club Banner: A small flag expressive of the community, country or region of a club - Commonly used to present to visitors or exchange with clubs visited throughout the world.
Club Charter: A document issued when a new club is admitted to Membership in RI - Signed by RI Pres, General Secretary and DG. The date thereon represents date of official membership Framed and preserved.
Club Committees: The "action" groups within a club – these usually comprise of the five (5) Avenues of Service plus others approved by the Board Each headed by a Director, with Deputy and committee members, but can also be committees set up for specific events/projects.
Club Forum: Formal meeting of an entire club - Called to inform members about service activities and progress of projects Also an opportunity for members to air views.
Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI): A series of fast-paced, interactive, one-day courses offered to refine a Rotarian's leadership skills and increase their base of knowledge in Rotary.
Inner Wheel: An international organisation of women – Originally a Rotary sponsored service group open to wives, widows of present and past Rotarians.
Probus: Professional & Business Club of Retired persons. A program of Rotary International like Rotaract & Interact.
International Assembly: An annual assembly of District Governor Elects held in Anaheim/San Diego, USA around Jan/Feb – To educate, instruct and inspire DGEs and adoption of RI theme and new programmes of RI.
International Convention (RICON): A worldwide gathering of the Rotary Family (Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors and more). Held usually in May/June in a different country chaired by RI President.
Interplast: International Plastic Surgery Programme - Established in 1980 and sends teams of volunteer surgeons and nurses to developing countries to operate on deformities, burns etc.
The 4-Way Test: A measure for the Rotary Family in thinking as well as reviewing past, present and future conduct. 1) Is it the truth? 2) Is it fair to all concerned? 3) Will it build goodwill and better friendships? 4) Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
The Rotarian: A monthly magazine put out by Rotary International with articles, news and views in several languages.
Theme Months: A focus through various months on major activities - Gives specific attention to e.g. Membership (August), Youth (Sept), Vocational (Oct), Foundation (Nov), Awareness (Jan), World Understanding (Feb), Magazine (April), Rotaract Week (Mar), etc.
Rotary Peace: Funds and fosters action, research, development and education to assist leaders in resolving conflicts and restoring peace.
End Polio Now / Polio Plus: An organisation created to eradicate Polio from the world over 30 years ago, that has removed 99.9% of cases and counting. Aimed to protect all of the world’s children from, poliomyelitis through national immunisation days, laboratory networks, reporting of suspected cases and much more. Find out more information at
Rotarians Against Malaria (RAM): An organisation under the Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) aimed at eradicating and preventing the spread of Malaria in the world.