Rotary International Virtual Convetion

This year, for the first time, the Rotary International convention is online and free! Rotaract members, friends and family can register and join the General Sessions and Breakout sessions to be inspired, connect with others and to open our minds to new ideas.   Last night (Australia time), General Session 1- Together we Connect, was […]

Recognising Achievement and Effort: Australian Rotaract Awards 2016

At the 2016 Australian Rotaract Conference, Rotaract Australia presented a series of awards recognising outstanding effort and achievement by Rotaract Clubs, Rotaractors, and supporters of Rotaract. The nominees and recipients in these awards represent everything Rotaract is about. They’re really out there making a difference in their communities, whether locally, nationally or abroad. Most Outstanding […]

Elephants for Education

Cambodian charity Human and Hope Association Inc is excited announce the launch of Elephants for Education, a crowdfunding campaign that gives supporters the chance to support education in Cambodia. Supporters will also be rewarded with an adorable stuffed elephant (or even a whole family!) The organization, which recently celebrated becoming entirely locally run, aims to […]

‪#‎Rotaract16‬ Global MDIO Leaders

Our RA Chairperson Jake got together with other Rotaract leaders from around the world at this year’s Rotaract Pre-Convention in Seoul Korea. The cumulative effort of all our fantastic service projects show the power of Rotaract to make positive change in our world! Jermaine Ee, Rotaract Germany, Rotaract in Great Britain & Ireland (RGBI), Big West […]

East Coast Trip

The Rotaract East Coast Trip Australia 2016 was a 2 week adventure from Sydney to Brisbane and back.  6 international Rotaractors from around the world: Gabrielle and Stephen from Canada, Michelle a Canadian Expat living in China, Sadek from Algeria, Minerva from Mexico and Liz a UK expat living in New Zealand visited over 10 […]

An Insider’s Guide to RI-Con

AN INSIDER’S GUIDE TO THE ROTARY INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION AND ROTARACT PRECONVENTION In the lead up to this year’s Rotary International Convention and Rotaract Preconvention in Seoul, Korea, Rotaract Australia Treasurer, Brett Sham, explains why he is so excited about Convention and reflects on his past convention experiences, and what you have to look forward to […]

Coins for Cambodia

Coins for Cambodia Human and Hope Association in Siem Reap, Cambodia, is a unique NGO in that they are entirely run by locals. Over the past few years, with the assistance of former Rotaractor/Rotarian, Sally Hetherington, they have been building up their grassroots organisation into one which focuses on alleviating poverty through training and education. […]